Introduction to CORE

The Commons Open Repository Exchange (CORE) is a library-quality repository for sharing, discovering, retrieving, and archiving digital work. CORE provides all Humanities Commons members with a permanent, open-access storage facility for their scholarly output, facilitating maximum discoverability and encouraging peer feedback.

Why deposit work in CORE?

  • To expose your work to other scholars in a timely fashion
  • To raise awareness of your scholarly endeavors among your peers by sharing work with interest groups on the Commons
  • To maximize the discoverability of your research
  • To encourage peer feedback on work in progress
  • To assert your authorship of nontraditional forms of scholarly communication, such as syllabi, conference papers, abstracts, data sets
  • To showcase your research to potential employers
  • To receive usage reports on your contributions
  • To allow other researchers to use your research data (interviews, audio files, video files, artwork) to generate new scholarship

Uploading a deposit to CORE

To upload your work to CORE, first visit the CORE homepage by clicking on CORE Repository in the left hand menu.

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Next, click the Upload Your Work button:


You'll be taken to the form shown below. Make sure to fill out all the information marked with *.


If you are depositing a published work, you'll check off Published to answer the first question on the form. Below that, you'll see a link to SHERPA/RoMEO (, a site that allows you to check on the open-access policies of academic journals. You will also a see a new space on the form that allows you to enter the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the piece, provided by your publisher.


If you want to add a DOI, place it in the field shown above and click Retrieve. Afterwards, information about your publication will be populated automatically in some of the fields below this one (including title, publisher, publication date, etc.) Are you sharing a published piece and can't find a DOI? Read this resource from the Baylor University Libraries:

Publicizing your CORE deposit with Groups

You can share you work with any group that you are a member of in the area of the submission form shown below. Simply start typing the name of a group you are a member of, and the available groups will appear in a drop down list. You may add up to 5 groups! This will give much more visibility to your work, as members of groups will be notified that your piece was shared with them and users will also see it on individual group pages. Not a member of many (or any) groups yet? Go to the MLA or HC group directory to join groups that are relevant to you or start your own group! Check out our help guides to learn more about Creating a Group or Joining Groups.


For more information, please visit the CORE section of our FAQs.

CORE is in active development, so if you have thoughts on how to improve it, please let us know.